het TheaterFestival

Stereo Denta Plastique




Jury quote:
‘Stereo Denta Plastique is Antigone's annual neighbourhood project at its best: uncouth yet poetic, simply anecdotal yet surprisingly universal in its analysis of people and community.’

‘Lots of people on stage, that certainly doesn't always work. Here, however, it turns out to be an absolute asset: we see full humanity itself. And she touches and pleases from start to finish.’

Due to logistical reasons this performance cannot be resumed. 

What if hair ages and pictures yellow
What if memories take the helm
or when memory starts to sift
And a mise-en-plis is done to us  

Do we then sit in a corner
Will we all walk with our heads bowed down
Will we still cherish dreams
When time leaves its mark 

Or will we still learn to strip
And gel your toupee again
Will we finally get that tattoo
Even if they had to leaf through our skin  

Even though our teeth are false
And the food is crushed in front of us
Then I will bite and choose
That I sink my teeth into life 

In this socio-artistic project, the actors will visit retirement homes together with directors Michaël Vandewalle and Silke Thorrez. How is life there? What keeps the residents busy? What do they think about? Do they still have desires and dreams for the future? Or is it mainly wild stories from the past that rear their heads? Is it possible to put a number on how we feel? And from a certain age, don’t we all have trouble with the number of years on the counter? 

Together with directors Michaël Vandewalle and Silke Thorrez, the actors try to experience first-hand what it is like – regardless of age – to grow older, in all its facets, with all its beauties and flaws.


direction and text  Michaël Vandewalle and Silke Thorrez
performance Yves Ameye, Paul Breye, Liliane Calland, Leen Callens, Bruce Colman, Giulieta Cortez, Fien De Kerpel, Michiel Debel, Geert Defoort, Maarten Degezelle, Roos Delameilleure, Sylvia Delameilleure, Tom Demessemaeker, Els Deprez, Patrick Deryckere, Bianca Desmul, Daan Frère, René Frère, Leen Glorieux, Pascal Hauspy, Janne Lamoral, Saibel Libeer, Francis Lobbes Wouter Nollet, Marijn Noppe, Evelyne Pattyn, Mick Petitjean, Damienne Sameyn, Jo Sarvig, Sam Slambrouck, Jens Soenen, Marc Soenen, Nick Speybrouck, Kayleigh Spriet, Jarne Van Vooren, Shaina Vanderplancke, Sylvie Vandewalle, Rita Vanhaecke, Stefaan Vanhaute, Kenneth Vanhove, Louis Vanoosthuyze, Catherine Vanpoucke, Melanie Verbeke, Wimala Sagara Watteyale Gedera
Scenography: Giovani Vanhoenacker
Costumes: Griet Herssens
Stage: Rune Wittouck
lighting design  Jonas Lambrigts
sound design  Niels Vanherpe
accompaniment Henk Bourgeois
production Antigone and Perpodium in collaboration with OCMW Kortrijk and Centrum Overleie
with the support of the Tax Shelter of the Belgian federal government